A Guide To Branding Your Ecommerce Store A Guide To Branding Your Ecommerce Store
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A Guide To Branding
Your Ecommerce Store

“Brand is the sum total of how someone perceives a particular organization. Branding is about shaping that perception.” - Ashley Friedlein

Why is it important to brand your eCommerce store?

Besides standing out from a sea of competitors, branding your business let your customers know what to expect when receiving products from your store.

It helps you to:

- Build customer loyalty
- Build brand recognition
- Build trust with customers
- Build word of mouth
- Build brand awareness

It also allows the business to connect with the customers on a deeper level, including sharing values and perspectives. Let the stats speak on their own:

  • 71% of consumers prefer buying from companies aligned with their values. (5W Public Relations)
  • 90% of the consumers feel that values are important when choosing a brand. (ShoppingGives)
  • 89% of shoppers stay loyal to brands that share their values. (Fundera)

4 tips to master branding for your eCommerce business

1. Set a solid brand foundation

Define your ideal customer
Identify the target audience you are looking to sell your products to. By doing so, you can then tailor the brand to what they need and set out the right image for future marketing events. 

Mission & Vision
As said before, customers tend to convert knowing that the brand’s values align with theirs. Do some thorough research, find common points with your ideal customer’s value and market it!

Brand guidelines
Can’t simply build a brand with just a logo right? There’s more to that, according to Pam Moore, it takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to remember a brand.

Include typography, color theme, icon, graphic designs and brand feel into your brand guidelines. Build brand awareness and let your customers recognize your brand sooner.

2. Customer experience always comes FIRST!

Never compromise customer service, give your customers a happy experience when shopping with your brand. This is a crucial point where this is the only time they will interact with an actual human being when going through the sales funnel of purchasing a product from your site. 

Customer service is more than just replying to visitors’ questions or dealing with customers’ questions, here’s how you can interact and build connections with them:

  • Reply to reviews on Google/Trustpilot/Website
  • Interact on social media tags or comments or repost content from your customers
  • Hold interactive online events like giveaways, hashtag content and photo contests, etc.
  • Reward loyal customers with discounts or special gifts
  • Conduct a questionnaire to gain anonymous feedback

3. Invest in product branding

Product branding is a collective of visuals, sounds, smells, textures, and associations. From logos, colors, and packaging to other visual or physical details that consumers will rely on to identify your brand.

Here are some product branding ideas for your eCommerce store:

Unique product packaging
If you can’t customize your products, this is a great way to make your brand recognizable. Print something that speaks for your brand on the package, whether is a quote, brand vision or mission, icon, special color-themed package, etc. Showcase your brand personality and let customers spot you out in the mail.

Give out freebies or testing products to show a good gesture 
Leave a thank you card to show your appreciation or a care card to give instruction on how to take care of the products the customer purchased. You can also include a brand sticker or products that you are testing if you should sell and check on their feedback to see what they think. This is a great way to gain insight into products to sell for the next season.

Make tiny differentiation on products
If you are selling something that your competitors are selling as well, try on tweaking the design or even just adding your logo or brand color onto the product, although it’s minor, it will definitely make your product stand out.

If you are lost with branding, Ship To The Moon’s brand specialist would love to help you! We are offering a limited-time branding package where you get to tailor branding good to your needs. Talk to your account manager if you are already working with us. If you are new here, welcome! We are so happy to see you here, to learn more about how we can help brand your business, send us an email to celine@shiptothemoon.com

4. Consistency in selling the brand story

Once you’ve defined your brand story, sell it across all platforms - social media, website, marketing copies, etc. Being consistent is the fastest way for you to be in customers' heads.

Humans tend to remember and emotionally connect with brands through storytelling, spread your story in a way that allows you to build a trusty bridge between your brand and the customers. What can you talk about though you may ask? 

Some touchpoints that you can cover:

  • Why you started the brand
  • Your background story
  • How the product has helped you
  • What do you stand for
  • The making of the product
  • Issues that you encounter when developing the product
  • The brand’s ultimate goal

Be patient and see the magic work

Do keep in mind, that branding your business takes time. But with one step at a time, slowly building up brand recognition will not only help bring in more sales but also bond with your customers on another level.

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